LRL was retained by an undisclosed client to delineate, vertically and horizontally, the extent of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted groundwater, found within the upper bedrock stratum in the vicinity of the client’s property. The delineation program was completed in support of a remedial action plan do confirm the source of the impacts, as well as to establish viable remedial options for the impacts.
A competent drilling contractor assisted with the advancement of several boreholes into the upper bedrock stratum using a truck mounted drilling rig, equipped with HQ diamond drilling core bit. Core samples were collected from representative depths throughout the advancement of each borehole and visually inspected for evidence of petroleum hydrocarbon impacts (i.e. discolouration or staining, and odour).
Groundwater monitoring wells were completed in each borehole advanced to facilitate future groundwater sampling initiated by LRL staff.
LRL ASSOCIATES LTD. | 5430 CANOTEK ROAD | OTTAWA, ON, K1J 9G2 | 613.842.3434 | FAX: 613.842.4338 | INFO@LRL.CA