Ambient air sampling is used to establish the quality of air within a select location with respect to the presence and concentrations of a suspected contaminate of concern. To conform with a request by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Parks and Conservation, a client has requested the services of LRL to complete bi-annual (Winter and Summer) ambient air sampling from within a neighbouring lands building development.
Samples are collected into 6 L summa cannisters using 8-hr flow controllers. Ambient air samples are submitted for analysis of VOCs including BTEX, and PHC Fractions F1 and F2.
The analytical results are compared to occupational exposure limits set out in the Ontario Ministry of Labour’s “Current Occupational Exposure Limits for Ontario Workplaces under Regulation 833”. The regulation specifies time-weighted-average (TWA) and short-term exposure limits (STEL) / ceiling limit (C).
LRL ASSOCIATES LTD. | 5430 CANOTEK ROAD | OTTAWA, ON, K1J 9G2 | 613.842.3434 | FAX: 613.842.4338 | INFO@LRL.CA